Research and Scholarly Activity

Guiding innovation and research on education.

The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) aims to improve student outcomes by exploring the impact and effectiveness of teaching practices. Research avenues in SoTL include investigations of technology-enhanced learning approaches and of how to create positive changes in pedagogy. Discipline-specific student learning inquiries can be conducted in partnership with students and are subject to research ethics approval. SoTL results should also be disseminated and there are several local, provincial, national and international societies dedicated to supporting SoTL that offer opportunities for conference participation and publication in peer-reviewed journals.

Get help with

Training and Development

Policies and Procedures

Proposals and Applications

Funding and Dissemination

Contact Info

Colleen Whidden

Director, Teaching & Learning

(403) 504-2207

Lesley Mackie

Instruction and Research Librarian

(403) 529-3866

MHC’s Research Ethics Board (REB) promotes and facilitates the conduct of research in ways that respect the dignity and preserve the well-being of human participants.

students sitting outside